APRIL: 12 DATES for COUPLES in 2022
As a stay at home mom of four kids, by bedtime I always had little left to give. My husband was gracious enough to always take the kids upstairs and lead the bedtime routines while I cleaned up the dinner dishes and enjoyed some “alone time.” He gave the kids baths, brushed their teeth, read them stories, prayed with them, and tucked them into bed.
Once I was done with my work, I would sneak upstairs to my bedroom to relax (and hide). But, it was very difficult to relax listening to the kids as they horsed around, whined from exhaustion, or fought over who got to pick the story that night. So, I started taking hot showers to end my day. The sound of the water drowned the noise out as I washed away the cares of the day.
As the kids got older and had fewer needs, my showers lasted beyond the kids’ nighttime routines and I soon found my husband joining in my ritual. We used the time together to discuss our days, process any stresses either of us were feeling, and review the plans for the next day. It became a point of reconnection for us and a transition point in our days, where we went from parents back to couple.
Take time to bathe or shower together and refresh each other’s souls!