Firm Foundations Marriage & Family Therapy

Couples Therapy


It was supposed to be like a fairytale right? You meet, you fall in love, you build a wonderful life together, and live happily ever after. The romance novels, rom-com movies, and love story blogs all made it sound possible. Of course there were twists and turns in the plot, but the couple always overcame and triumphed in the end!   

But, here you are. . . scared, frustrated, discouraged, and feeling alone. You never thought this would happen to you. You wonder if there is still a chance. Can this be fixed? Can we be happy together again? Why isn’t this relationship working? Are we just another episode of relationship disasters on reality TV?


If only…


he would listen and try to understand me!

she would stop trying to change me!

I could trust him/her again!

we could agree on this one thing!

she respected me!

he loved me more and put “us” first!

we had good sex!

life could slow down. . .

Is this how it’s going to be forever?  

I just can’t do this anymore…

Something has to change or I’m leaving!

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

Mignon McLaughlin

Let’s try a better approach together.


Doing life with someone else by your side can be really rewarding, but it takes a lot of effort! We struggle enough just to understand ourselves, let alone, be understood by someone else! When a crisis hits or unwanted changes occur, it can seem like your whole relationship is crumbling. When your hopes and dreams are shaken, it can make you question if the relationship is even worth it.

Communication takes training and practice. Solving problems takes a ton of mental energy, compromise, and risk. Sex isn’t always ecstasy. Emotional intimacy makes people vulnerable. The daily grind leaves little time for friendship, leisure, and fun!  Seriously… making a relationship work requires a big investment! Mix in some broken trust, infidelity, unforgiveness, old wounds, money issues, illness, jealousy, kid problems, and family conflict and the chances of the relationship thriving, let alone surviving, may seem slim.

But, when you finally get it to work and you find that sweet spot where you feel understood, valued, and connected, that is worth all the effort! Having someone who is committed to doing life with you, who knows you better than anyone else and is willing to live with your struggles and quirks, who wants to see you reach your dreams and wants you there when they reach for their own - that is what makes the ups of life richer and the downs of life more bearable.

Setting boundaries, listening, forgiving, touching, making sacrifices, finding compromises, rebuilding your friendship - they are all things you have the power to do to turn things around! You can make this relationship work. You just need some help to figure it all out and create a plan for moving forward.


  • Communicate better

  • Utilize more effective conflict resolution strategies

  • Heal from infidelity and broken trust

  • Define roles & expectations

  • Increase sexual intimacy and satisfaction

  • Cope with Loss

  • Parent effectively together

  • Grow their friendship and emotional connection

  • Work through forgiveness

  • Cast a shared vision and plan for the future

  • Manage extended family relationships

  • Balance work and family

  • Stress less and use time for efficiently 

Talk to me.

Reach out and let’s talk about the relationship you desire and how to get there. I will give you the knowledge, skills, and experiences you need to create the change.

Together we can create a plan!